It’s a record: Legacy Run brings in more than $1.5 million
The American Legion Riders went out on a record note in fundraising for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund for the final time.
National Legion Riders chairman: Fundraising for VCF ‘still for the kids’
The American Legion
MAY 17, 2023
During this May’s National Executive Committee Spring Meetings, it was announced that The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund has reached a point where it can sustain itself through the foreseeable future. Read more…..
Motorcycle Relief Project employs wind therapy
to help manage PTSD
The Motorcycle Relief Project hosts veterans and first responders on a week-long retreat to teach off road motorcycle skills during the day and workshops to deal with PTSD in the evening.

American Legion Emblem Sales is shipping flag orders out as quickly as production arrives.
On June 14, Flag Day, American Legion posts often hold a proper flag retirement ceremony or participate in community celebrations. Read more….

American Legion Memorials Database Project
Riders – please see the attached the resolution passed by the NEC on the memorials database. In essence, currently there is no one location where all War Memorials are cataloged and indexed. In the preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion we all agree “To preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars”.
The Legion under the auspices of the Centennial Committee proffered and passed the attached resolution at the October Meetings and took on the task; and further asked for all elements of the Legion Family to assist.
Please note that the National Commander is specifically reaching out to the Legion riders. A part of his letter to Department Commanders nationwide (see below) states:
“ We also strongly suggest Legion Riders involvement, to work with your committee and travel with members to visit posts in areas and districts to help catalog these memorials. The Legion Riders are always looking for meaningful rides. They are great ambassadors for The American Legion Family………. “
I would like to ask you all now to get behind this program and support your home Department in accomplishing this effort. For more information on what your Department is doing and what help your Riders’ Chapter can provide your Department, please contact your Department Adjutant.
John Moffitt
American Legion Riders National Advisory Committee
Chairman, American Legion Riders, Department of Arizona (AZALR)
Assistant State Captain, PGR (Patriot Guard Riders)
Judge Advocate, District 8, American Legion, Dep’t of Arizona
Subject: Use of Social Media
Riders – below is an excellent e-mail which was recently sent out by Arizona ALR District 12 Rep Ken Couture. It is something we should all take into consideration when we have an issue or problem with either our ALR Chapter (or Post).
Posting complaints on social media only serves to make us all look bad. As Ken says below,
If we do have disagreements, and we will, do so politely and privately. Nothing positive is gained by engaging in publicly shared adversity, confrontations, and disagreements, especially on social media.
Please pass this on to your Riders.
John Moffitt
American Legion Riders National Advisory Committee (Western Region)
Chairman, American Legion Riders, Department of Arizona (AZALR)
Assistant State Captain, PGR (Patriot Guard Riders)
Judge Advocate, District 8, American Legion, Dep’t of Arizona
Subject: Use of Social Media
This came to me by way of a Rider I’ve known for a number of years and for whom I have an enormous amount of respect. He asked it be sent out anonymously. Here it is. It offers some sound guidance that needs to be embraced. The choice is yours.
Please share with your Chapters and get the message out.
The Message
As a cautionary note to all and a reminder to self, please, let’s all exercise good judgement, taste, courtesy, and respect in what we place on our FB Pages.
I think on occasion, it’s forgotten how much gets shared and how broad the spectrum of people is that see what we post.
As much as humanly possible, we need to remain positive, as individuals and groups. We need to support each other at all times, even in times of disagreement.
If we do have disagreements, and we will, do so politely and privately. Nothing positive is gained by engaging in publicly shared adversity, confrontations, and disagreements, especially on social media.
I can’t recall many occasions where something favorable has resulted from on going contentiousness.
A Rider
As a reminder, individual and Chapter FB Pages belong to the individual and/or the Chapters. I will ask your cooperation on not posting disrespectful or inflammatory comments on these pages, at least as they relate to the ALR, and especially District 12 Chapters and members. Your audience is often larger than imagined and posts may have more of an effect than anticipated.
Thank you all in advance.
Ken Couture
AZALR District 12 Rep
Disclaimer of Liability: With respect to information contained in these links neither The American Legion nor any of its employees makes any warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process implemented at the post or department level. All items of information contained in these resource links are suggestions. You should consult your department for program operations and/or your own counsel for “best practices” when dealing with any business operations or The American Legion programs in your community even those which are covered by resolutions approved by the National Executive Committee or National Convention.